Introduction about the Buddha
Introduction about the Buddha
The word "Buddhaparisada" (Buddhist) is the compound of two separate words, i.e. 'Buddha' in the Pali or Sanskrit language which means one who realizes hidden phenomena like The Four Noble Truths and so on up to the paths leading to the cessation of sufferings, the fruits and nirvana or one who is awake -mindful and clearly conscious all the time or one who is fully blooming like a lotus flower blooming all its petals -his mind is blooming because of the power of holiness as all defilements are eradicated, called The Fully Enlightened One, The Enlightened Being, The Supreme Teacher, The Lord, etc. who is generally known as the founder of Buddhism, and the word 'Parisada' in Sanskrit, 'Parisa' for Pali meaning a group of people assembling together or a group...