As for the consequences of Patipuggaladana, one will receive that giving alms to animals generates a hundred outcomes, and giving alms to the ordinary man who is immoral generates a thousand outcomes. Giving alms to the ordinary man who is moral generates a hundred thousand outcomes, giving alms to the recluse outside Buddhism who is far from sensuality generates a hundred thousand billion outcomes. Giving alms to one who is practicing to realize the fruition of stream-winning generates inner-able, immeasurable outcomes, moreover, all the other higher individuals such as the stream-winner and the rest, are higher in virtue than one another according to the order, there will be obviously more and more outcomes than one another in accordance with the order of virtues of those individuals.
Although performing meritorious deeds such as charity and the like to individuals like the Fully Enlightened Buddha and the rest produces so great many consequences, the Lord Buddha praised the performance to the community of monks as the alms-giving with more consequences than all those, in the least, even performing with Gotrabhusangha (the monks only by name at the time close to the extinction of Buddhism, Dales of practice to become good followers of Buddhism some men taking a piece of monk’s loincloth to tie around the neck. live with their wives and children as ordinary people but deem themselves to be monks) still produces more consequences.
Performing alms-giving to the order of monks which is called Sanghagatadakkhinadana is to perform with respect and delight to the order, not with respect and delight to the individuals. Respect for the order is reverence and delight to the monks in general without discriminating that this Bhikkhu is a Thera, being a priest-monk for a long time, this monk is a novice just becoming a monk. For example, today, some people like performing meritorious deeds only with important elder Theras by thinking that this reverenced monk is a provincial chief of monks, a district chief of monks, and a head of a temple. a vice head of a temple or a well-known teacher of law like a Dhamma teacher who teaches Buddha’s teachings through radio media and the like. To develop oneself to become a good Buddhist, we must pay respect to the monks in general, at least, even a little novice, just becoming a monk for only one day, is also one of the members of the order in Sangharatna (the gem of the congregation) too.
For this reason, the Buddha had been clearly acquainted with the results of meritorious actions that one performs with the congregation of monks like this; then he uttered the above-mentioned utterance
Therefore, if someone wants meritorious actions that generate more results; and more consequences, one should perform meritorious actions with the congregation of monks, and should not perform with the individuals.
Buddhists, who do not seek one who is worthy of gifts outside Buddhism and perform meritorious deeds only in Buddhism, are to perform meritorious deeds only with the congregation of monks not to perform with individuals. Performing meritorious deeds with the congregation of monks is a mark of expressing extremely high respect to the Great Teacher.
The story of why the Buddha declared Dakkhinavibhangasutta, is on account of his aunt, Princess Pajapatigotami, who was very pious to him and made a pair of clothes by her own hand to offer to the Lord, but the Lord suggested to offer to the congregation of monks because when she offered to the congregation of monks, the Lord was also in the name of being sacrificed by her.
The Buddha’s teaching in Dakkhinavibhan- gasutta, the Lord declared to make Buddhists feel serious in the congregation of monks because, in the future, there will be only the monks who are the preservers of Buddhism so as to make it the last for long, the leaders of Buddhists and promulgators of the teachings forever. And on the other hand, when Buddhists sacrifice to the congregation of monks the Lord is also in the name of being sacrificed.
These five good qualities are the principles to develop and the path leading lives of Buddhists towards real happiness and prosperity, and the rules of practice to make themselves become genuine Buddhists of Buddhism as well. Let Buddhists read and analyze the meaning of these qualities with great satisfaction to gain benefits. For themselves and for our eminent Sasana (religion). Let all Buddhists become good children of the Fully Enlightened Buddha, become children who adhere to and practice what our Father Buddha preaches strictly and righteously forever, and become good Khmer Buddhists to fit the name of our country as The Kingdom of Wonder that accepted Buddhism as the national religion for a long time ago, as well, to make Buddhists all over the world Buddhists as Genuine Buddhists because Khmer Buddhists understand and practice righteously as the teaching of the Fully Enlightened One, the Supreme Teacher.