Each of us has different habits or characteristics. Most of those who have good habits are successful, while those who have bad habits and bad habits are always successful. In this article, I Will show you the characteristics and characteristics of three types of people:
What kind of people are Reactive?
Reactive people are considered to be the kind of people who always put the blame on others. And a person who likes to wait until the opportunity comes, wait until they come to encourage and comfort themselves, then have the strength to do so.
For this reactive person, if someone comes to talk or has any stimulus that makes them angry, this reactive person will start to get angry, scold, blame themselves, use inappropriate language, or accuse others by Anger, crying, complaining, drama on social media, or instantaneous interaction, etc. In general, as long as there is something that affects their feelings, they will immediately start to react without thinking about the cause.
On the other hand, if there are more admirers, they will be happier, whether the praise is true or false, he begins to feel great, proud of himself, and really expresses his feelings. Arrogant or contemptuous of others.
Employee involvement is very important for the productivity of the team and the company as a whole. It refers to the effort they put into their work and their sense of commitment to the company. If their emotional connection to work is less consistent, this could mean that they are starting to be inactive or less well-involved.
Inactive (Inactive):
The type of people who have employees who are not quick to do something, most of these types of people are not very active in the group, no matter how much the group asks for their opinion. Most of these people have the following personalities:
- Lack of initiative: He always waits to be told what to do next.
- Question less: He is not willing to ask questions and learn new things.
- Know everything: He thinks he knows and knows everything and has a hard time accepting criticism.
- Complain a lot: This type of person always complains a lot and nothing is good enough for them.
- Dementia: He has difficulty concentrating.
- Always make excuses: He is never responsible for his actions and always has excuses.
- Irresponsible: He often does not get things done on time, comes to work late on a regular basis, and always breaks all their promises.
- No growth: He does not invest in personal development to become a better person and to grow with the growth of the company.
- Lack of Enthusiasm: When a new task or project arises, this type of person always has the least amount of excitement or enthusiasm.
- Do not help others: He is never willing to do more than his work and likes to say, “Not my job.”
- Gossip: He likes to gossip, destroys team ethics, and divides companies.
- Lying: He is an employee who lies and fabricates stories that can be a serious danger to the team.
- Overconfidence: Thinking too much of yourself, not asking for help from others, and not cooperating with people in the team, can really affect the success of the team.
What kind of person is a proactive person?
Proactive people are considered to be responsible for their own mistakes, active with hard work, thoughtful, flexible, and not easily frightened or shocked by what has happened. No, because this proactive person is always ready to plan to deal with all those situations in advance. What is special is that this proactive person does not like to fight with anyone just to win, just to face futility, or get angry with people who react immediately.
In addition, we find that when something happy, surprising, or troubled happens to proactive people, they will be happy or sad about it. But they do not like to use (too much) emotion in that situation or let those pleasures and sorrows make them happy, forgetful, or sad enough to the point of self-harm and blaming you. No other. In this case, if someone comes to praise their feet, they are not so excited, trembling, or overwhelmed with false praise, that is, he will find out if this is a compliment.? And they will respond appropriately and appropriately to them.
In addition, proactive people are always looking for ways to develop themselves, seek opportunities, and create opportunities to make their dreams come true. They are always trying to be creative and take action to achieve their goals because they do not like to wait or wait until the opportunity arises.
In Summary:
After reading this article, you will learn about three characteristics: the first type is people who are quick to react and respond to others immediately, irritable, emotional, and less responsible. The second type is people who are inactive and overconfident, they are not easy to respond to and are quick, they are mostly selfish, and do not know how to help others. The third type of people are the kind of people who are the best because they are the ones who are diligent, will have clear principles, do not work emotionally, are always disciplined, and clear principles, open-minded and understanding to others, They most successful people.