Have you ever read the book Rich Dad Teaches Poor Kids? In this book, he quotes from business experience and many good theories, and he reveals five lessons that are all helpful lessons. Illuminate your path to continuous improvement and make your life better and more successful. What are those five lessons?
1. Thoughts determine destiny
Ideas are the first thing in starting a business or living because when you have a lot of ideas, you can have ideas on how to grow your business. After all, each person is different in terms of fitness, which is average, but what is most different is that the mind is the determinant of everything in your life. Where do you want to live? Living with someone, living like that is all from your mind. Two people are born at the same time in the same place and have a similar family life but have different futures in life because a large part of it is caused by that thought and you are born in a very difficult situation.
However, they were able to reach the top level successfully, while others were in a favorable position but fell back to zero. Where did the idea come from? Thoughts come from the experiences and knowledge you have learned, rational thinking about what others have gone through and practical experiences you have encountered, as well as what is mentioned in books or teachings, They will Make your eyes brighter and smarter when you have a lot of good ideas, your actions are not bad either.
2. Broken money is different from poor
In English, the word broke money is (broke money) and the word poor is (poor)
- (Broken money) Broken money is just a temporary situation.
- (Poor) refers to the longevity or permanence when you try to do business, sometimes profit, but sometimes loss.
People who struggle, only face financial hardship, they absolutely do not accept poverty, They are willing to face business loss twenty times, but they are not willing to sleep in despair for life. So do not confuse money with poverty. The important thing is not to confuse yourself when you fall to zero, You agree to get up there, it means that you recognize that you are poor, but if you struggle to get back to the top by refusing to die, refusing to live in poverty, you will become a wonder.
Remember that when you fall into a state of extinction, you do not have to confuse yourself, it is time to use your mind. You need to discuss your abilities and it is time to experiment with who is a true friend and where to go is a fake friend so you can distinguish between good and bad.
3. A lot of income is not essential, what is essential, can you keep it?
Why income is not important and income is really important, but how important it is, they have to check it with the expenses first after you spend and it remains more or less or zero. Some people make thousands of dollars a month, two months, but still owe them a lot, they make ten, twenty, twenty, so what does high income mean, some people are smart even if they make only a few hundred dollars a month, but they save between sixty and seventy percent of their income. When the opportunity arises, they have money to invest in the business. When you have a habit of saving along with smart ideas, you will be able to make your life more prosperous. Need to keep trying as well.
4. Do not make mistakes too many times
Everyone makes mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, but if you learn from those mistakes, that means there is nothing wrong with it, but it is a lesson at the expense of some. Sometimes your mistakes cost you money and some of your mistakes ruin your relationship, so do not let some of your mistakes be a source of anxiety in your heart. People who learn from their mistakes will not make the same mistakes over and over again. People who learn from their mistakes will be smarter and will still be successful.
5. Do not expect a boss who can help you become rich
Some of you have probably heard the saying, “No boss can make his employees rich.” If you want to be rich, you cannot work for them for life.
If you want to get to work, study, work to save money, to work to gain experience, and to work to save relationships, when the opportunity arises, you must dare to jump out of the nest to find food for yourself. No, some injuries to the hands and feet, but this is normal, When you decide to start your own business, you encounter some of the same problems that are important, depending on your thoughts and commitment. Contempt for others can not affect your heart as strongly as your steel, your past work experience will become your strong pillar, and it will not be easy for anything to shake it, so like because Boss Chief, who is a natural leader and when the time comes, be brave and start hunting for your dreams.
In Conclusion, It all comes down to personal experience that allows you to grow according to your practice on how realistic you are.